NICE Ltd establishes thought leadership with the CX Pulse Podcast

Listen Network Ads uses placement in web, mobile web, mobile apps, and post-video plays using detailed audience targeting and strategic contextual intent matching so the content the listener is consuming relates to the topics or intent signal of your episode.

The Brief

NICE Ltd had a goal; to position itself as a thought leader in the customer experience and customer support space by sharing the latest trends and best practices, including practical steps CX experts can take now to stay ahead, and innovative ways to better engage their contact center agents in your CX strategies.

The Solution

NICE Ltd launched a podcast display ad campaign targeting CX experts in the US by utilizing Listen Network’s Podcast Growth Suite to grow podcast downloads, increase brand exposure and drive consumption of the CX Pulse Podcast.

These ads appeared when listeners were actively browsing high performing intent websites relevant to the customer experience and customer support industries.

Media mix

Activation Channel: Listen Network Display Ads

Target Audience: Customer Experience Executives

Geography: United States

Measurement: 60-second IAB Podcast Downloads

Format: High-Intent Banners with Built-In Players

Placements: High-intent performance websites and apps with relevance

Campaign Performance




Consumption rate



Website placement

Podcast Ads appeared in high performing business websites, and websites specific to the customer experience industry.

Demographics Performance

NICE Ltd was able to target their specific audience demographic.

Performance by the hour

NICE Ltd was able to track when their listeners were most engaged with their ads.

Audience Interests

The Listen Network Ads Suite served ads to NICE Ltd’s core target audience evidenced by the audience signals they engaged with the most.

Listen Network v Other Ads Platforms

Listen Network Ads operates on an IAB Verified Downloads structure. Here’s how we compare to other Ad Platforms;



LinkedIn Ads

Does not guarantee an increase in downloads.



Host read podcast ads

Does not guarantee an increase in downloads.


Cost Per Download

Listen Network

Guaranteed IAB Verified Downloads*

*Cost varies based on targeting criteria

Ready to grow your podcast?

Having a Podcast is more than just producing episodes. It’s a key part of your overall business strategy that can help with sales enablement, connect directly with your audience, and your ideal customer persona.

The Listen Network Ads Platform is the only ads platform helping B2B Companies hit their Podcast campaign KPIs with targeted and verified downloads.

In addition to this, it helps you make informed business decisions by providing the best in-class analytics.

Hitting your podcast KPIs is one quick email away

Contact us through the form or email us at